Yin and Yang are two independent but complementary energies. They represent energies so vast that they encompass everything in the universe. Yin and Yang cannot exist without the other; they were never divorced.
This inseparable relationship is reflected in the shape of the swirling Yin-Yang symbol, where Yin (black space) contains a seed of Yang (in the form of a white dot) and Yang contains a seed of Yin. So there is Yin, but Yin is there Also Yang and Yang is also Yin. There is balance, and even more, there is harmony. When two things are in balance, they are equal but separate. In a relationship of harmony, the two energies merge into one seamless whole.
A state of constant equilibrium
A dynamic flow of Qi automatically and continuously balances and rebalances these energies. In the natural world you can see this in the changing seasons: the cold of winter gives way to the warmth of spring and the heat of summer, gradually turning cool in the fall to become winter again. You can also see this ongoing balance when a thunderstorm clears the sky on a humid summer day.
On the largest scale imaginable, all things are always balanced and rebalanced in a state of perfect harmony. This harmony is not always evident in our complicated modern lives, but Yin and Yang is the ever-present harmony that affects all beings. So essentially harmony is the only ground we walk on and it is the air we breathe.
Yin Yang for healing
A fundamental part of TCM’s healing approach is to give you perspective. If you take a step back from your life and look at where things aren’t working, you may see how your lifestyle and/or emotions can cause health problems. For most people, this is a process that happens over time; for some it comes at a moment of great insight. Rather than continually treating symptoms caused by emotions, thought patterns, or an unbalanced lifestyle, TCM looks for the root of the problem. The entire Universal pattern is one of always establishing balance and harmony.
As a deep and authentic healing system, TCM applies Yin and Yang to help you harmonize your body, mind, emotions and spirit, and then harmonize your individual energy with nature. Take a moment to think back to a time when you felt healthy and free. At the time, you probably weren’t thinking about wellness at all! Everything in your life simply flowed and moved seamlessly – in harmony.
Your body, mind, emotions and soul can adapt to the circumstances in your life. This is exactly the state that TCM wants to create in terms of health and well-being.